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August 8, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Gomes' Slate Submits over 3,250 Signatures for September Primary
Today, John Gomes announced that he and members of his slate have submitted over 3,250 signatures to the Bridgeport Democratic Registrar of Voters. Roughly 2,100 verified signatures of registered Bridgeport Democtrats on Primary Petitions are needed to be submitted by Wednesday, August 9th to qualify for the September 12th Democratic Primary.
July 10, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Gomes’ Raises $275,000 in Total Contributions, $75,000 in 2nd Quarter of 2023
BRIDGEPORT, CT – Today, John Gomes announces that his campaign has raised $75,000 in contributions to end the second fundraising quarter of 2023. For three consecutive quarters, the John Gomes For Mayor campaign has demonstrated consistent fundraising totaling $275,000 in contributions since December 1, 2022.
June 02, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
National Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump Endorses Gomes For Mayor
Crump stated, "I am so proud to endorse John Gomes for Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut. I know John will be a fighter for those who need a voice the most.
May 16, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
"It's become obvious that the proposed sale agreement has been mishandled by city administrators since inception."
May 09, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
BOE Member Joe Sokolovic Endorses Gomes For Mayor
Bridgeport, CT - Board of Education member Joe Sokolovic, has endorsed John Gomes for the Office of Mayor.
May 5, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Gomes Releases Education Policy Position
Bridgeport, CT - John Gomes, Bridgeport Mayoral candidate, released his policy brief on education that outlines how to improve the quality of public education in the City of Bridgeport.
May 2, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Canvassing Starts This Weekend
The next phase of the campaign begins this weekend and you have two opportunities to participate
April 10, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Gomes’ Raises Another$100,000 in Second Consecutive Quarter
Today, John Gomes announces that his campaign has raised another $100,000 in contributions to end the first fundraising quarter of 2023.
MARCH 28, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Releases Public Safety Policy Position
Revitalizing our public safety sector will have a direct positive impact on our community. A top priority of a Gomes administration is to provide the best public safety practices possible, while being fiscally responsible with the hard earned tax dollars of our residents.
MARCH 22, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Another Abandoned Opportunity: Harding HS
Bridgeport, CT - The condition of the former Harding High School gained national attention this week on Steve Ronin's YouTube channel, which has a subscription of more than 800,000 people. Ronin's video exposes vandalized classrooms filled with ruined books, supplies, artwork, desks, and American flags, all of which could have been given to students in need.
MARCH 20, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society Endorses Gomes For Mayor
Bridgeport, CT - The Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society has endorsed John Gomes for the Office of Mayor.
MARCH 14, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Thank You - Vasco Da Gama
Thank you for supporting my candidacy for Bridgeport Mayor.
The media is taking notice of our campaign. The recent Only in Bridgeport article, "Gomes Swells Mayoral Campaign Treasury at Fundraiser" highlights the over 300 supporters who attended our first in-person fundraiser at the Vasco Da Gama Portuguese Cultural Center on Thursday, March 9th.
MARCH 08, 2023 — Statement from John Gomes
Councilman Jorge Cruz Endorses John Gomes
Bridgeport, CT - City Council member Jorge Cruz, District 131, has endorsed John Gomes for the Office of Mayor. Cruz stated, “John Gomes will be the mayor for all people. He cares for everyone in Bridgeport and that is why I respect him and that is why I have respect for his campaign”
21 DE FEBRERO DE 2023 — Declaración de John Gomes
Gomes lanza contrato de buen gobierno
La inversión dentro y fuera de la ciudad no se llevará a cabo hasta que tengamos nuestra casa en orden. La restauración de la confianza en el Gobierno de Bridgeport es vital para el crecimiento futuro de nuestra ciudad.
10 DE FEBRERO DE 2023 — Declaración de John Gomes
Ganim rompe las reglas para enriquecerse... otra vez
Después de a New York Timesy dos artículos de CT Post, profiling la venta and alquiler ilegal de su un millón de dólares Black Rock home en los últimos diez días, ¿la historia de la propiedad de Joe Ganim llegará a su fin?... apenas comienza.
09 DE FEBRERO DE 2023 — Declaración de John Gomes
La obstrucción de las leyes de transparencia por parte de Ganim viola la confianza pública... otra vez
6 DE FEBRERO DE 2023 — Declaración de John Gomes
Gomes' abre sede de campaña.
En una gélida mañana de sábado, el candidato a alcalde de Bridgeport, John Gomes, junto con su equipo de campaña y una multitud de más de cien simpatizantes, inauguró formalmente la sede de la campaña de Gomes ubicada en 2196 East Main Street en Bridgeport...
30 DE ENERO DE 2023 — Declaración de John Gomes
Gran Inauguración de la Sede de la Campaña de John Gomes
26 DE ENERO DE 2023 — Declaración de John Gomes
Las tácticas de empleo del año electoral no tienen cabida en el ayuntamiento
Con una próxima elección de alcalde acercándose rápidamente, el liderazgo ejecutivo de nuestra ciudad está demostrando que no se detendrán ante nada para garantizar que continúen en el cargo...
John Gomes (opinión): postularse para alcalde para hacer de Bridgeport un lugar mejor
Me postulo para alcalde para remodelar nuestro gobierno local para que finalmente comience a atender las necesidades de todos los residentes de Bridgeport...
¡Aqui esta Johnny! Gomes para alcalde en la cúspide de la recaudación de fondos del primer mes de $ 100K contra Ganim
Conozca a John Gomes: candidato oficial a alcalde de la ciudad de Bridgeport
Hoy, John Gomes se unió a los miembros de la comunidad de Bridgeport en el Ayuntamiento de Bridgeport para presentarse oficialmente en la oficina del secretario municipal y anunciar su candidatura a alcalde en 2023. A él se unieron...

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